Fall Protection – Prevention or Arrest?

Did you know that over the last decade there have been about 6000 deaths in the U.S. from falls?  That is a huge number.  There have been real advances in the design and quality of fall arrest PPE which if  properly used will definitely reduce injuries and save lives in the workplace.  This newly created training unit focuses on work from heights, the differences between fall prevention and fall arrest and the correct use and care of the needed PPE.  May we each do our part in making sure we follow safe practices as we work in areas where a fall is often fatal or results in serious, life-changing injury.

New OSHA fall protection rules will soon be in place that will require a complete review of our fall protection systems and practices.  Let’s polish our skills and enhance our knowledge as we prepare to take on new challenges that will be coming our way.

CalOSHA Training Requirement Satisfied = Fall Protection

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