The Number One Cause of Injury in the Workplace – Slips, Trips and Falls
Did you know that according to the National Safety Council, slips, trips and falls are the number one cause of deaths in the workplace? They also represent more than 20% of all disabling injuries on the job. One would think that falling from high places causes a large percentage of these injuries. In reality, crippling injuries and yes, even fatalities result from slipping at ground level. We have all caught ourselves at one time or another, slipping on a slick area of sidewalk and as our body reacts instinctively (And rapidly) in the effort to stay upright, back sprains and many other injuries can occur.
Rules to WALK by:
Look down and keep an eye on where you are walking. If an area you are approaching looks slippery, avoid it altogether if possible. If you need to pass through, switch to a shuffle as you take small steps with your body weight directly over your feet. Both hands should be free and ready to provide balance should you start to slip. Uneven sidewalks and holes in the ground can cause twisted ankles and even sprained knees or achilles tendons. Don’t run on a wet or uneven surface.
Rules to CLIMB by:
Never use a defective ladder. If cross braces are bent, feet are missing or rungs are compromised, trash the ladder. If it is made of aluminum you can get a few bucks for it at any metal recycling location. Follow the rules printed clearly on every ladder. Do not climb higher on the ladder than is necessary to complete the task.
If you are climbing more than 7 feet off the ground in any work setting, you must have a fall protection guard around the ladder or personal fall protection equipment consisting of a harness and lanyard or rope to arrest your fall should you slip.
We must be cautious as we walk, climb and carry on our duties, always looking for slip-trip-fall hazards.
Take Care
Jon Lindskoog